I had requests for pictures of the garden...I am taking day to day pictures of THE WISTERIA ...It is going to be stellar this year.. THE FIRST CALIFORNIA POPPIES.... THE BRUGMANSIA.... A QUIET LITTLE SPOT NEAR ENGLISH HUSBANDS SCULPTURE.. Now to get the words to get somewhere near the pics!!! WHEW!!! These pics are of the back garden(I know what your saying "I see grass!!" well its actually weeds that are green because of all the rain... They are history come this summer.... We plan on digging all that out as well and putting in decomposed granite......THE POPPY is from the famed front garden... It started to rain and I didn't get any more photos ..... OK...I'm going to push the dreaded PUBLISH POST BUTTON...IF I NEVER SEE YOU AGAIN... Thank you so much for your encouragement.........Beatnheart will not be beaten down..