Monday, May 16, 2011

Going outdoors at bo.tan.i.ka.

This is the front of the shop bo.tan.ika
in the beautiful little seaside town of
Summerland, California

 A beautiful little old Victorian house that has
been turned into this stunning little place
full of delight.

and outside is a garden center...

and yes, everything is for sale.

clever use of succulents and containers.

How fab is this!

stony, mossy ...

oh yeah,  want this baby big time...

no, I think I want this one!

It doesn’t hurt that you can see the Pacific ocean from here.

tiny little pots of the unusual...

ideas to take home..

Summerland is a cute little stop just before you go into Santa Barbara...If you visit Los Angeles and
take the drive up the coast to San Francisco, be sure to make some stops along the way.  In fact you could take weeks just getting to San Fran,  so many cool little towns on your way up.

I have been super busy setting up my Etsy shop...all good things
take time and nurturing and this is no exception.  I am enjoying
the creative aspect of setting up the shop and it does’t hurt that
people are actually finding it and buying stuff...amazing!


Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Sadly, we shall probably not be passing by any time soon as we live between houses in Brighton in the Uk and Budapest in Hungary. Such a pity as this store seems to have so many super things to really make 'al fresco' the place to be.

Yes, the mossy aged planters look wonderful but the small pots of sempervivum are so very pretty. We are sure that we should not leave empty handed.

We have found you by chance and shall return for more.

Pooch Purple Reign said...

niiice spot cynthia. lucky you are not so far from there. i guess all places have really cool and unique spots, you just have to go in search
~laura xx

PK Studios said...

Aahhhh... you found Botanica! Fun spot in the end of a big design installation we used to go there for the finishing touches for the "well to do" in SB. I miss close yet so far away : )
PS. Art in the Park is this weekend in Ojai.....


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