Friday, June 10, 2011

Butterflies have a schedule.

Did you know...

that butterflies 
have a schedule?

This beautiful one has been visiting
this bush everyday at the same time.

I have tarted up my “driveway” just like I had planned.
This is the first year where it is actually beautiful and I
enjoy sitting out there and working in the garage.

When I saw this butterfly land I took loads of pictures.
Little did I know that he (or she?) would arrive at the
same time everyday this week.   I could of shot a movie of him.


~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

these are beautiful, very beautiful pictures!
Have a happy weekend xx

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Cynthia:
What a very pretty visitor you welcome to your garden each day. And, how kind of you to have prepared the garden ready for your guest!

Kath said...

How delightful is a simple pleasure like this one.

CS said...

Who knew butterflies have a schedule?? Beautiful photos!

Anonymous said...

How intruiging! Warms my heart also to know that people such as yourself notice such things.xx

Chris Kerr said...

Pretty pics! I guess this butterfly has a gotta have routine! Thanks for sharing~~

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Butterflies must be the busy executives of the insect world. I bet they are especially attracted to Blackberries.

PK Studios said...

How fun! Maybe he comes because he knows you care! : ) What plant is it that he likes? We are going to be planting lots of new "local" plants....I hope to attract more lovely little beings like you!

Gracie's Cottage said...

Wow...great shots Cynthia. I'm always stopping to watch butterflies or clouds or birds that happen by when I'm working, (some might call it ADD...I prefer to think of it as an appreciation of nature!). Thanks for sharing,

Ange said...

You know, you really are amazing! I shall watch for butterflies with my kids now. What a gorgeous piece of information :) Now - I've been so away from blogging that I'm going to allow myself a leisurely stroll through your blog. Thanks for hanging in there with me Cynthia. :)Lotsa love

Pooch Purple Reign said...

gorgeous pics cynthia! have a great week
~laura xx

Fresh Garden said...

Pooch Purple Reign had said what I wanted to say... I'm speechless now...

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Well isn't that something...I never thought of butterflies as having schedules! You learn something new every day. These plants or shrubs are beautiful Cynthia..are they butterfly bushes? I love the color...that would look really good here at our yellow cottage. I hope you show more pictures of your beautiful home and really is gorgeous there. I hope your day has been a good one. Take care my friend.
Maura :)


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