Monday, June 6, 2011

A very cool house in Venice, California

Recently, I went on the Art Walk in Venice.
We get two free passes because my husband 
donates an art piece every year for a silent auction
with all proceeds going to the Venice Clinic.

Study for a Northern Sky..Giuseppe de Piero

You walk around the many neighborhoods
and get to go inside the homes and
studios of the famous and not so famous.

buy nary a dull one in the bunch.

The artist that lives in this amazing home chats
with a couple of chicks.

It  is one of the most fantastic homes on the tour...
 something to look at on every turn.

colorful, creative, no holds barred.
do your own thing baby...

only in Venice...purple tights on granny.

They opened up the ceiling on this bungalow and painted
it a lime green.

 this room was painted teal, orange and

I have more pics coming up in my next post.
stay tuned...

Meanwhile, I have been consumed by my Etsy shop but
just loving it.   It is one of the best things that
has happened to me in awhile.  Thanks to all of you
who have payed a visit.

Take care,   


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'd have loved to tour that home too! Yowza!

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Cynthia:
How fascinating all of this must be with the opportunity of visiting houses, and seeing art works, not normally available to the public.

PK Studios said...

Fun fun! I'll have to mark my calendar for the next one. LOVE the bright green ceiling and groovy art. You should come up for the Ojai Artist Studio tour in'd love that one too!

Mind Of Mine said...

Is that you in the blue hat?

Midwest to Midlands said...

What a great tour. I'm not sure I could live with that much color but loved seeing it and love the creativity - in that woman's outfit as well.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh how brilliant neice is a sculptor and she had some work in a similar thing in Arundel in Sussex. It's called the Arundel Gallery Trail and we went and it was great. I loved going into the gorgeous, mostly period, properties. What could be nicer that viewing art in some wonderful homes?
I look forward to more of your photographs of art in Venice.
Brilliant news about your Etsy shop. I'm so pleased for you Cynthia.
Don't work too hard !! XXXX

Kath said...

I wanna be that Granny in the purple tights!!

Beatnheart said...

Yeah but not yet!?! Thanks “mind of Mine” for thinking that was me ...i have a few more years to go yet mate!!

Chris Kerr said...

What a fun house! I'm agog at all the colors and interest~~thanks for sharing. I'm so glad that Etsy is a great experience for you. You are deservin' it!

koralee said...

Wow what a fun home...I want to be a granny that wears purple tights. xoxoxo HUGS

Anonymous said...

Now that's my kind of day!

loveandlilac said...

Hi Cynthia, thanks for visiting my blog. I love any open house/garden event - I'm an inveterate snoop! The two dames match the house don't they? Louise x

1 Funky Woman said...

Venice seems so cool. Love those purple tights on her. Love that she would wear them. Ok this house is amazing. Love the gal above the Fireplace and all the colors!



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