Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yoga with a view.

This is the ocean front in my little town of Long Beach,
and this is Queen Mary which resides here.

and this is a free yoga class that is held on the
bluffs everyday.

Doing yoga outdoors is wonderful...
feeling that breeze and the sounds of the birds
and feeling the earth beneath you.

That’s me in black...oh yeah and 20 lbs heavier.
I say that publicly hoping it will shame me into
never going back there again.

Yoga has helped me in so many ways.
I’m very strong now....flexible...and hopefully
alot more calm and patient.

I’ve met some wonderful people through yoga...The 
people who are drawn to  it  are for the most part
kind, caring and are living a life of compassion
for the earth, themselves and each other...

well that’s the plan anyway.


Anonymous said...

How awesome to have free yoga classes outside on the water. Seriously!! I did it a fews back but didn't stick with it and now I'm wondering why...

Jeanette from Everton Terrace

Privet and Holly said...

There is nothing
more life-affirming
than doing outside
yoga! Just wish we
had more months here
where we could do it.
So glad you have this
to stay motivated FOR
YOU!!! You deserve it!
xx Suzanne

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Hi Cynthia,
I tried to send an email to your yahoo mail account and it got bumped back to me saying you don't have a yahoo account. WAH! Do you no longer have the account or is Yahoo a bunch of dunderheads?! ;)

Here's my message :)

Hi Cynthia!

It's me Sally, of Sally Annie Magundy blog. :)

I'm gathering resources over here.

You had mentioned that you know some people dealing in Estate Sales, if I'm remembering correctly?

I know I don't have enough stuff or exciting money making goodies for an Estate Company but I do have five pieces of furniture that I'd like to find out about, before I have a sale at my Dad's house. Would you possibly know of someone who is reputable & trustworthy to speak to?

ACK! There is so much to do and it seems without end.

Hope you're doing well with your Etsy adventure!


loveandlilac said...

A free class and a sea view - how wonderful!

Mise said...

I am not drawn to yoga and feel left out. Perhaps I am beyond help. But I can surely admire that sea view.

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Hi Cynthia,
What a perfect place to do are so lucky. ....and, you look like you are really getting into it !!!! I can't think of any nicer way to exercise. XXXX

Mind Of Mine said...

I think it is absolutely fantastic to have free yoga classes outside with a sea view. You get to learn a new mediation and meet new friends. Lucky find.

Rory Grant said...

Excellent pics! Unfortunately I'm so tall and skinny that I can't do Yoga. Someone always has to untie me afterwards. I admire those that can however!

Sally Annie Magundy said...

Hi Cynthia,
Thanks so much for your emails! I sent you a reply at your Etsy shop. :)

Chris Kerr said...

Yay!! I LOVE yoga! Every morning at 4:30~~it makes such a difference. Glad you feel as wonderful as I do~~~lovely!

Joanna Jenkins said...

I learned something new. I had no idea there was yoga there. How cool is that! Thanks, jj

Maura @ Kisiwa Creek Photography said...

Oh to have Yoga classes close enough to attend without spending a fortune on gas...and free classes to boot!!! How lucky are you Cynthia! I really do miss my Yoga classes. As of yet I have not dragged my mat from beside the desk but I REALLY REALLY need to do it as I feel myself seizing up as the years go by. I need encouragement my friend! I know they have Namaste Yoga on Fit TV...I guess I just need to bite the bullet and DO IT. Thanks for this post...I needed it! Have a wonderful weekend...hugs to you Cynthia....
Maura :)

Beatnheart said...

I do go to a studio just up the street and pay for an unlimited quarterly series at about $200 every three months, so the freebie clasees are not what I do regularly. It’ about a 3 mile drive to get to the beach. I just nip up the road from where I live and go to my pay studio. much easier. The price I pay to do yoga
is “maintance”. I don’t get my nails done, I color my own hair, wash my own car(sometimes!) do my own housework, do my own yardwork, so the money I don’t spend on those this goes to my yoga classes.. yoga is not a luxury but a necessity.

Fire Byrd said...

I used to do pilates and get the same buzz. Now I go walking and a really cheap dance class once a week. So keeping the body moving and can do the pilates on my own living room floor!
Thank goodness for the power of movement to keep me on top of life.

~*~ saskia ~*~ said...

Now this looks calming and peaceful.
Have a sweetest of Sundays! o xx o

Rebecca said...

I have been planning on trying it, my daughter does hot yoga and loves it. That is a little too intense for me, but this I could handle. Love the outdoors and the view.

Julie@beingRUBY said...

Hi Dear Cynthia
Well I have been to your little corner of the world and have been on the QM... fabulous,, I just found some of my snapshots the other day....

I know what you mean by the ppl you meet through yoga.. I studied a diploma in Remedial Massage and the environment couldn't have been more removed than of my usual corporate IT crowd.. although I'd say if we dragged the IT crowd out to yoga they'd probably be just as open..

Have a great week.. hope you feel better soon.. I'm still fighting this flu!! darn it.. ciao xxx Julie

PK Studios said...

As my hubby would say... SHNICE!!!! Yoga with an ocean view...that's what I call living : ) I do have a tiny peak at the mountains at my Saturday class... but you've inspired me to manifest a mountain side yoga studio with a valley view! Cheers, Penny

Pooch Purple Reign said...

love it... i enjoy my yoga practice very much too. more outdoors would be nice.. if it EVER gets warm here :)
~laura xx

Riki Schumacher said...

If I lived there Cynthia, I'd be right next to you doing yoga on the beach, oh yea. How wonderful you have that. Well, I have my $6 Zumba class twice a week, that is a blast. Just keep moving! I gave up sugar, and lost 14 lbs! Didn't know I needed to, that's how my folds were hiding! Take care, great to hear from you. Riki xoxo


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