Sunday, August 28, 2011

In Irene’s Path...

cream city brick in Princeton, Wisconsin...

To all those in the path of this horrible storm...
while waiting for things to calm down
I am thinking of you and praying 
for all of those who are suffering...
my little problems are nothing 
compared to what you are going through.

It’s hot here.
too hot and I don’t care for it much.
but I am safe and secure.
I’m going to quit complaining today.
I’m so good at complaining.
Bellyaching my father use to call it.
It’s a life long habit that I need to
control and cut out.

So hang in there friends on the coast...
Stay safe.


Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh Cynthia,
I cannot imagine what it must be like to suffer a hurricane. Although we have very peculiar weather here in the UK, we don't really have the extremes that some of the US has to suffer.
Hoping everyone in the path of Irene are safe and that it passes over quickly with the least amount of damage and suffering. XXXX

Chris said...

Words of wisdom, Cynthia! It's so easy for me to focus on what I don't have as opposed the all that I do~~~

Pamela Terry and Edward said...

She missed us entirely.
Edward was thrilled.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Very well said. I'm saying prayers too.

La Petite Gallery said...

Yes, they need all the prayers they can get. We sent a lot to help from Maine. Now how about Texas and those awful fires. I am planing my Art Party, all the locals Artists in St. George come. It's a garden Party cook out.
Pray I have no rain Sat 24th..

Kira said...



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