Monday, January 2, 2012

Have a Rocking New Year


I had read in Patti Smith’s book
"Just Kids"
that her mother told her,
“Whatever you are doing on New Years Eve,
 you will be doing for the rest of the year.

so I made sure I was doing this...

May all your dreams come true
in the New Year!



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Then clearly you are going to have a ROCKIN' 2012, my friend! Happy New Year!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Yours too Cynthia ..... and, I LOVE the photograph. XXXX

Chris said...

Cynthia~you had a really cool New Years Eve! Ours was celebrated asleep~~hahaha! I'm actually not upset if I do that the rest of the year. :-) But I do admire you and admit that you are wayyyyyy cooler than I!

Kath said...

Oh dear, I was drying wet dogs LOL

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I heard that from someone about 40 or more years ago and so I give a New Years Eve Party---and I've been doing it every year, ever since....
You look like you are having a GREAT Time!

Sad news about my dear Sweetie.....He crossed the "Tainbow Bridge" late yesterday afternoon....2012 is not starting out very well.

loveandlilac said...

Love Patti and love this post! Bruce Springsteen is on tour this year and I'm going to as many shows as I can - so we're both going to see in our next decade as rock chicks ;-)

Joanna Jenkins said...

That's a great quote and a fun way to make sure you start the year off right!

Hope 2012 is a great one for you. xo jj

Anonymous said...

You go girl! (or is that saying so 2011!)

La Petite Gallery said...

Well, You made me smile, Keep on rockin.



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