Thursday, May 17, 2012

New work and lovin the monkey.

I’ve been on a necklace making binge.

Suddenly, without warning, I had some ideas...
so I took this old crystal  I had and painted it pale pink...

Then I wrapped that baby in wire as I have a tendency to do.
and added those little tiny czech seed beads that I had
since the 70s.

Then I added a few more beads...pretty pale girly.

a smattering of hope....

Not only do I love how this turned out...I mean want to
keep it!

Hey and look!   Another one!
Geez...feast or famine for me...

I got these fabulous Bohdi Tree beads at the bead show
down south...

They are so earthy, textured, wonderous things.
They were for a Mala... Tibetan Prayer beads...

I wear my heart on my sleeve...

I’m finally starting to be able to mix beads up...
without getting all fussy and counting and first one
and then another about it...freedom!

And these pics!
well I’m loving those too....
Thank you PicMonkey...which is the bomb...
Turns meh into beauteous...


Lela said...

Look at you go! Gorgeous both! And the monkey looks fun too. I might have to check that out.

Juliette said...

Both necklaces are just beautiful! And thanks for the Pic Monkey reference, I've started using it too.
xoxo Juliette

Jackie said...

Beautiful work, I love how brave you're getting with the beads. Lovely pieces! I'd wanna keep the girly one too.
...Jackie xo

Unknown said...

Can you send some creative ideas this way? Love your new work! Keep it going.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

You are really cooking on all cylinders or is it Burners,,(lol)...! These are lovely...!
Not sure what it is Pic-Monkey does....But, it all looks Beautiful!

Jane and Lance Hattatt said...

Hello Cynthia:
The necklace which you have made is absolutely lovely - so beautifully delicate and luminous. We are not surprised that you wish to keep it.

Anonymous said...

Your work is fabulous!

Numinosity said...

Hey there, no wonder you've been kind of quiet lately!
Look at all this wonderfulness and the tip on the Pic Monkey. I love the designs you're coming up with.
I have some lampwork focals that I'm ready to pass along. Care to do your magic with it?
I actually just checked in on my computer while I was running up to my office to get batteries for my camera as I just discovered a morning light source in my garage studio that will work for some new pics.

quisnam said...

When I first clicked onto your post I read it as 'New York and loving the monkey' .. I think I must be sleep deprived. Love the new work (see I got it in the end). Kate

donna said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and your lovely comment. I just had a little spree in your shop! I can hardly wait! (((hugs)))

Roberta Warshaw said...

Thanks so much for visiting my blog! So happy to meet another creative maker of all things lovely!


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