Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Kitty cat update

Well my friends miracles do happen... Prayers do get answered... And sometimes when you think that what you have in front of you is a lost cause you get a reprieve. Such is the case with my little cat Princess. That amazing tiny little animal of mine has made a stunning, unbelievable come back. She is on my lap as I write this... " marching" away, creating her own little nest on her human mommy.   She jumped up here on my daybed on her own steam...something I thought I would never see again as just two short weeks ago I was lookin into having her.... ( words that I can't even say out loud).   She was so bad that I called my husband at work and said " this is it... You better come home". She couldn't even make her way to the water dish.    But a miracle happened in our little cottage.

     Here is what I did. She was still eating but oh so very skinny so I thought"what fattens you up?"... Fats... So I started to put olive oil on her food. She loved it and lapped it up with a crazy gusto and she started to become more alert and started to put on some weight and I would find her in the living room, the bathroom shower floor lapping up drops of water and now jumping up on the bed... A miracle ... A bonafied miracle... The work of a divine agency!
 Another thing I did... I let her go. I didn't hold on so tight... I stopped worrying...fretting obsessively... I went back to my yoga classes which let me tell you folks...get out of the house and on your yoga mat and find yourself and your focus and your breath.  It works for real and I could go on and on about the benefits of a yoga practice.

   Now mind you she is still blind and still skinny and her days I am sure are numbered, but then whose days aren’t.   Meanwhile...I can relax a bit more and get to enjoy my little best friend a little while longer.

 Life is like that... A roller coaster of events...downs and ups... Fast and slows... When you think it can't get any darker it starts to brighten up. It has taken me many years to stop dwelling in a negative headspace. I was brought up to worry. I came from worry and fear and negativity... I have had to claw my way out of that way of thinking and as you all know it is a lot easier to live in the comfort zone of the familiar than pinching yourself  in the midst of a negative thought and saying out loud STOP!
stop what your thinking..  " change the channel” as my friend Larry use to say.  Pull yourself out of the gloom and doom and think another thought, a better thought.   Be grateful for all you have and the daily miracles that are available to you, once you allow them to come to you.


Kath said...

so glad your darling girl is back to her old self again xx

deborah from collagewhirl said...

Wow! So happy for you :-)

Lela said...

What a well written and beautiful post. I'm so happy for you that she's feeling better - and that you figured out what she needed! Well done. She certainly knows for sure that she is well loved.

I've only just started yoga and I have to agree. After just a few sessions at the Y, I am loving it...Of course I need to start practicing at home too.

Change the channel! What good advice.

jeanette from everton terrace said...

SO happy to hear this news. I stopped doing yoga about a year ago, got busy. Must make time for that again - my body needs it, even more than my mind.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh, I'm so happy to read about your ddear Princess! What a miracle! That is so interesting about the Olive Oil...It makes you wonder, doesn't it?
Enjoy your dear little best friend for as long as you can....She sure is a beauty, isn't she?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

What wonderful news! One life down, eight to go, eh? Cats are so amazing.

louise said...

Aaah - the comeback kid! When things are crappy it's always good to remember something good is waiting just around the corner xxx

Numinosity said...

Aww sweetie, you know when I was inquiring yesterday I was reluctant to ask about your kitty. i was afraid what the answer would be. So glad she's revitalized under your care.
I'm so glad you've relaxed with your worries and rightfully designated the to the "concerns" category where they belong. I had a friend that nursed her ailing dog back to health with the calories of honey although cats probably have less of a sweet tooth.
I know that yoga would be the best thing for me right now as well.
I sent off your package today but forgot to include any greetings in my haste.

Anonymous said...

I'm thrilled your darling cat has found a second wind. I'm trying hard to be more mindful of negative thoughts and staying in the present. I'm a work in progress!

Vintajia Adornments said...

Glad to hear that your 'purr-kid' has improved.

oldgreymare said...

wine and olive oil are miracle cures for so many things..oh and vinegar...<3
that si great news

stregata said...

Such good news! I am soooo glad. I can hear you loud and clear on the worry word...
Sending big, big hugs.

Riki Schumacher said...

Oh Cynthia, I am so glad to hear this good news. It is beyond painful to loose our sweet babies. Well, that's why cats have 9 lives, she has many to go!! xoxo Riki

Anonymous said...

Fantastic good news. Such a delight to read this Cynthia.

Shel said...

What sweet news! Woo Hoo!! I'm so happy to hear this!! And thanks for the reminder about yoga,...and about our thoughts - needed to hear that today!! :-)

Chris said...

Great news! This post contains an uplifting mini-miracle, great peace-of-mind tips and a yoga endorsement. You encourage me so much and I'm grateful for you.

Rosie Moceri said...

I'm so happy for you and your kitty! I went through a similar thing with my sweet Tasha who has been gone for a year and a half now. I gave her coconut oil and tuna juice! So glad to have read this and know your happiness.

Jackie said...

Oh Cynthia, I'm so happy that your beautiful Princess and you have more time to share together. I've been thinking of you and she and hoping for the best. Clicker, my old lady Siamese is getting closer to the rainbow bridge. I think I'll try the olive oil. It's so hard to lose them, but while my girl is still with me I try to make her happy. Enjoy your time with Princess! xoxo

"Change the channel" - I love that I'll try to remember to use it!!

fanciful devices said...

awww! this is miraculous! so sweet. im so happy for you.
and yes, i just now finally found your blog.
but you two look adorable together. and yes, it's amazingly consistent in my experience: when you let go/give up is when the thing somehow comes to you. in love, life, professional development/success, sanity, etc, etc, etc...

kelro said...

Yay! Oh that makes me so happy. I was dreading reading the opposite outcome. Gotta go home and give my kitty a squeeze now...see you soon...


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